Muddy Praise
St Mary's Vicarage, Thornbury
Held on the 4th Sunday of the month, Muddy Praise is an all-age service that moves around our churches.
A walk together, eco-crafts and a simple story before toast and tea.
This month Muddy Praise (Sunday 23rd March) will look a little bit different! We won't be holding a service as normal. Instead, St Mary’s will be open 3-4pm with tea, hot chocolate and cake for anyone and everyone interested in all our “All Age” services across the Benefice. We will be enjoying the fellowship together but there will also be opportunities for feedback and discussion about the future and the shape of our worship together. All are welcome!
Please do make a note, there wont be Muddy Praise in April because of Easter timings. That means the next really Muddy celebration will be our pre Pentecost flying service on 25th May.